Thornton Canal Precinct
Explore, investigate and establish a framework to inform UrbanGrowth NSW of the future development and design potential of the canal precinct at Thornton. The design study incorporating apartments and terrace homes along the canal provides guidance for developers. Key elements include:
The precinct is a premier location within Thornton.
The specific project’s location to the canal, overall context with the Thornton master plan and the site’s relationship to Penrith city centre, Penrith railway station and services.
Developing an architectural form that responds to the new wave of urbanisation that Sydney is embracing to meet its future housing requirements.
Responding to a diverse range of housing typologies within the context of the master plan.
Providing a quality outcome within realistic price points that relies on a practical and pragmatic approach to ensure a quality outcome that is consistent with the projected market.
Activation of primary street and canal frontages.
Optimising development yield and the requirement to meet parking provisions in an economical manner.
Optimising orientation for living and outdoor areas to maximise solar access and favourable breezes.
Contributing to way finding and massing with regards to the overall master plan.
Design Principles and site planning.
Building footprints and mass.
Indicative street elevations.
Spatial relationship to the surrounding areas.
Associated access and car parking (at grade and /or underground).
Production of a preferred design and development outcome, presenting the ideal approach to achieving optimal dwelling yields and mix, design outcomes, and marketability to the buyers.