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The Community Hub + McNamara Park Broke

The community hub at Broke in the NSW Hunter Valley, incorporates the gateways to Broke, the local village shops and Stewart McTaggart Park. Proposals are developed from the ideas in the previously prepared Singleton Villages master plan by PAADesign. Design proposals incorporate:

  • Creation of 'sticky' streets using landscape in the road shoulders and increased edge delineation.

  • Gateway treatments with ornamental grape vine planting, and street trees with seasonal colour to assist in wayfinding.

  • Recreation and play opportunities based on nature-based local themes such as the Yellow Rock, Wollombi Creek and native fauna and flora.

  • Accessible pathways connecting the park precincts, playground areas, war memorial and the Wollombi Creek with community facilities and services.

Stewart McTaggart Park will include activity zones catering for the different age groups including the Children’s Space (Wombat Cave), Teenagers Space (Flyaway) and Adults Space (Yellow Rock). Key considerations are to increase shade including trees and shelters, expansion of play areas with inclusive design, and include a diverse range of recreation and play opportunities within close proximity to each other. 

Play equipment incorporates a range of activities and themes. The flying fox is arranged so that the experience is flying through the forest canopy and over a symbolic waterway and native garden. There are elevated viewing decks as the central focal element incorporating rope climb, slides, and access to the flying fox. The elevated viewing deck reinforces the forest/treehouse themes. A skate park is proposed and comprises of modular, precast concrete elements that can be added to over time and set in earth mounds. 


Bush camp style fire pit with steel ring and timber log seats is located near the group shelter in the open lawn area providing a meeting place for residents and visitors of broke.


McNamara Park is a long lineal park adjoining the Wollombi Brook in Broke. Existing uses of the park include short term camping/caravans, festivals and bike riding. Festivals are held in McNamara Park each year bringing many visitors to Broke and the surrounding regions. The intent for McNamara Park is to ensure that all uses can continue and to minimise conflict between these uses. Three distinct precincts were determined being the Festivals Precinct, Camping Precinct and Active Precinct.


An identified precinct for the festivals assists in the preparation for festivals and minimises conflicts with caravaners/campers. The festival precinct will incorporate the longest picnic table. The location and orientation of the table allows it to be further extended with temporary tables should the need be required. New amenities and the table will benefit the festivals and also to the users of the caravan precinct. 


A free style BMX track is to be located in the active precinct and is therefore separated from the camping precinct and the festival precinct by trees and open space.

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