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Terrace Home Design Kit Potts Hill

Development of the Terrace Home Design Kit for the terraces at the Potts Hill residential precinct for Landcom to ensure a high quality built form and urban design outcome is achieved.


The terraces play an important role in contributing to the vision for Potts Hill by creating variety and housing choice and ensuring a high quality built form and streetscape. The Potts Hill Terrace Home Design Kit provides guidance to developers undertaking projects in this precinct to ensure the Potts Hill vision is achieved. 


The terrace precinct is in one of the most elevated parts of the site with commanding views towards the west as well as views over existing and proposed parklands to the east. The views provide a high level of amenity in one of the most attractive parts of the Potts Hill project. The design kit carefully considers the visual prominence, the slope and privacy for future residents.

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