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Tabulam Bridge Interpretation Strategy

Tabulam Bridge forms part of the Bruxner Highway and defines the western entry to the rural village of Tabulum on the eastern banks of the Clarence River in northern NSW. The existing bridge is a heritage listed structure however required replacement as part of the Roads and Maritime’s Timber Truss Bridge Conservation Strategy. 


Architectural design for the new bridge and the heritage interpretation of the existing truss bridge. This includes investigations and concepts for the interpretation of the historic bridge incorporating architectural elements for the new bridge, viewing platforms, a park and landscape along the bridge alignment and concepts including structures, play equipment, sculptures and interpretative signage based on the reuse of the trusses to be located throughout the village.


An Urban design strategy and Landscape character and visual impact assessment were also prepared for a preferred option that acknowledges the heritage values associated with the existing bridge and village as identified in the urban design goals and principles. The

Urban design strategy includes interpretation of the existing bridge in the design and detailing to create a clear sense of arrival and strong presence for the new bridge and river crossing. Click here for further information. 

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