21st Century Demonstration Homes
As part of Landcom’s 21st Century living program, a demonstration project was delivered at Thornton Penrith. PAADesign worked with Landcom to deliver the 21st Century Demonstration Homes at Thornton including design development, modified development application and tender and construction documentation. The design development phase achieved increasing dwelling yield and product diversity. Working closely with the project delivery team, project feasibility and buildability was ensured. The design development also enabled freehold title to individual terraces, and split land and building packages allowing significant transaction cost savings for home purchasers. A number of the building typologies became a forerunner encompassed in the NSW State Governments Missing Middle legislation.
The demonstration precinct consists of 21 dwellings made up of 12 Terrace homes, 3 courtyard homes (zero lot detached dwellings), 3 patio homes (similar to semi detached dwellings) and 3 loft/garden apartments ('fonzie flats').